About Steph Pajonas


Steph is the COO/CTO and a coach at the Future Fiction Academy, co-host and producer of the Brave New Bookshelf podcast, main admin and founder of the AI Writing for Authors Facebook group, and an author of both science fiction romance and cozy mysteries. As a seasoned author with over 30 books published, she understands the challenges of writing and also the power of AI tools to overcome those challenges. Her own experience using AI to break through writer’s block and become a more efficient writer inspired her to share that knowledge with others. She’s spent months learning about the latest AI technologies and techniques, and she’s eager to help other authors succeed with them.

This post will be updated as frequently as I can with new tools and resources for you! This post also contains some affiliate links. I get a small kickback from some companies that I link to here. This does not mean that they pay me for an endorsement. I only link to things I feel confident in sharing with you all.

Fiction Writing Tools

Future Fiction Academy's Rexy

The Future Fiction Academy (full disclosure: I'm a founder) teaches authors how to harness AI and write their books with it. FFA's Rexy is an advanced bleeding-edge prompting tool that lets authors access all the LLM options and writes directly to Notion. FFA is mostly for intermediate to advanced AI users.



A program especially built for fiction writers by fiction writers.


Novel AI

Also a fiction writing AI program.



This one is growing by leaps and bounds.



This one seems to be a lot like Scrivener with AI.
